Joel, một người sống sót tàn bạo, và Ellie, một cô gái tuổi teen dũng cảm, khôn ngoan vượt tuổi, phải làm việc cùng nhau nếu họ hy vọng sống sót trên hành trình xuyên Mỹ. Here, there are only survivors killing each other for food, weapons, or whatever they can get their hands on. Here is a population decimated by a modern plague. The Last of Us Part 1 is a spectacle in cinematic storytelling and companionship. Here, you will find abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. 10 Games To Play If You Like The Last Of Us Part 1. Survive an apocalypse on Earth in The Last of Us, a PlayStation 3-exclusive title by Naughty Dog. – Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

(Guide byass Google Drive download limit: Here) Link ver USA – BCUS98174 (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1FileĭLC ver USA – BCUS98174 (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1File – Google To check your PS3 system’s free space, please go to Settings > System Settings > System Information. Purchases will not be refunded due to installation issues caused by space limitations. If your PS3 system does not have sufficient free space, do not purchase this game. Your PS3 system must have at least 27GB of free space to install this game. The 136 MB file size refers to size of the installer only. Once the installer is booted, the game itself will be downloaded onto your PlayStation3 system. The file PKG that you are purchasing from PlayStation Store is only the installer for The Last Of Us.